[ !!! ŦḗƈħƁḗƞƈħ ḓǿẇƞŀǿȧḓş !!! ]

[ !!! Ẇīƞḓǿẇş 11 Īƞşīḓḗř Ƥřḗṽīḗẇ !!! ]

[ !!! ĪḒ !!! ] [ !!! Ƞȧḿḗ !!! ] [ !!! Şŧȧŧŭş !!! ] [ !!! Ȧřƈħ !!! ]
3148 Microsoft Server Language and Optional Features Preview - Build 26334 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3149 Windows 10 China Only Insider Preview - 27774 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3150 Windows Language Pack Insider Preview - 27774 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3151 Windows 10 Enterprise VL Insider Preview - Build 27774 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3152 Windows 10 Client Insider Preview - Build 27774 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3153 Windows 10 Client ARM64 Insider Preview - Build 27774 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] arm64
3154 Windows 11 China Only Insider Preview - 27774 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3155 Windows 11 Enterprise VL Insider Preview - Build 27774 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3156 Windows 11 Client Insider Preview - Build 27774 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3157 Windows 11 Client ARM64 Insider Preview - Build 27774 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] arm64
3158 Windows Server LTSC Preview VHDX - 26360 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3159 Windows Server vNext LTSC Preview - Build 26360 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3160 Microsoft Server Language and Optional Features Preview - Build 26360 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3161 Windows Server Datacenter Azure Edition VHDX - Build 26360 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3162 Windows Server Datacenter Azure Edition ISO - Build 26360 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64
3163 Windows Preinstallation Environment - Build 27798 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64, arm64
3164 Windows ADK Insider Preview - Build 27798 [ !!! Ŭƞķƞǿẇƞ !!! ] x64, arm64