TechBench 下载

Windows 11 Insider Preview

ID 名称 状态 体系结构
2832 Windows Server Datacenter Core Annual - Build 25967 可用 x64
2833 Windows 11 China Only Insider Preview - 23565 可用 x64
2834 Windows Language Pack Insider Preview - 23565 可用 x64
2835 Windows EWDK Insider Preview - 23565 可用 neutral
2836 Windows 11 Client ARM64 Insider Preview - Build 23565 可用 arm64
2837 Windows 11 Enterprise VL Insider Preview - Build 23565 可用 x64
2838 Windows 11 Client Insider Preview - Build 23565 可用 x64
2839 Windows WDK Insider Preview - Build 23565 可用 neutral
2840 Windows SDK Insider Preview - Build 23565 可用 neutral
2841 Windows ADK Insider Preview - Build 25977 可用 x64, arm64
2842 Windows Preinstallation Environment - Build 25977 可用 x64, arm64
2843 Windows EWDK Insider Preview - 25977 可用 neutral
2844 Windows WDK Insider Preview - Build 25977 可用 neutral
2845 Windows SDK Insider Preview - Build 25977 可用 neutral
2846 Windows EWDK Insider Preview - 23570 可用 neutral
2847 Windows WDK Insider Preview - Build 23570 可用 neutral
2848 Windows SDK Insider Preview - Build 23570 可用 neutral
2849 Windows Language Pack Insider Preview - 25977 可用 x64
2850 Windows Server LTSC Preview VHDX - 25977 可用 x64
2851 Windows Server vNext LTSC Preview - Build 25977 可用 x64
2852 Windows 11 Enterprise VL Insider Preview - Build 25977 可用 x64
2853 Windows 11 Client Insider Preview - Build 25977 可用 x64
2854 Windows 11 Client ARM64 Insider Preview - Build 25977 可用 arm64
2855 Microsoft Server Language and Optional Features Preview - Build 25977 可用 x64
2856 Windows Server Datacenter Azure Edition VHDX - Build 25977 可用 x64
2857 Windows Server Datacenter Azure Edition ISO - Build 25977 可用 x64
2858 Windows Server Datacenter Core Annual - Build 25977 可用 x64
2859 Windows 11 China Only Insider Preview - 25977 可用 x64
2862 Windows ADK Insider Preview - Build 25982 可用 x64, arm64
2863 Windows Preinstallation Environment - Build 25982 可用 x64, arm64
2864 Windows EWDK Insider Preview - 25982 可用 neutral
2865 Windows WDK Insider Preview - Build 25982 可用 neutral
2866 Windows SDK Insider Preview - Build 25982 可用 neutral
2867 Windows ADK Insider Preview - Build 25987 可用 x64, arm64
2868 Windows Preinstallation Environment - Build 25987 可用 x64, arm64
2869 Windows EWDK Insider Preview - 25987 可用 neutral
2870 Windows Server LTSC Preview VHDX - 25987 可用 x64
2871 Windows Server vNext LTSC Preview - Build 25987 可用 x64
2872 Windows WDK Insider Preview - Build 25987 可用 neutral
2873 Windows SDK Insider Preview - Build 25987 可用 neutral
2874 Microsoft Server Language and Optional Features Preview - Build 25987 可用 x64
2875 Windows Server Datacenter Azure Edition VHDX - Build 25987 可用 x64
2876 Windows Server Datacenter Azure Edition ISO - Build 25987 可用 x64
2877 Windows Server Datacenter Core Annual - Build 25987 可用 x64
2878 Windows EWDK Insider Preview - 23580 可用 neutral
2879 Windows WDK Insider Preview - Build 23580 可用 neutral
2880 Windows SDK Insider Preview - Build 23580 可用 neutral
2881 Windows ADK Insider Preview - Build 25992 可用 x64, arm64
2882 Windows Preinstallation Environment - Build 25992 可用 x64, arm64
2883 Windows EWDK Insider Preview - 25992 可用 neutral